
Candy: Trident Wild Blueberry Twist

Welcome back! This is the new "I'll try that!" now. You may be wondering, "What makes it new?" Well, I have lost alot of the will to keep this up. I feel like I gave it a try, and it's just not something I enjoy doing enough to continue doing it at the extent I was doing it in. Got it?

So, instead of giving up completely, I am going to shorten it down to something that is most likely going to be less fun to read. I know, it stinks, but it was either this or nothing.

I'm going to try to add some new aspects though. Things like: Links to games I like, short musings about one thing or another, and I may continue doing "Guess What I tried!" as well as a few other interactive things like that.

Anyway, I bought this Trident Wild Berry Twist. It's gross. What is Xylitol and why is it in all Trident gum? The Answer.

(This is the top left picture in "Guess What I Tried!"3)

Verdict: "Stick" to chewing your favorite gum.

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