
PC Game: Spore

Never before have I ever purchased a game for my computer that was so worth the price.

Spore, from the creator of Sim city, is a simulation/strategy game loaded with customizable content. Let me walk you through a game:

You start as a tiny cell wading around the primordial ooze of your planet. Choose to be an herbivore or a carnivore, and later an omnivore, then get to eating chunks of food. When you acquire some new body parts you can call your mate over to edit your offspring's appearance, then play as it. This process repeats a few times until you finally evolve a bigger brain.

Your new brain allows you to evolve into the "Creature Stage" and add the first set of legs to your character. This stage is on the land of your planet, which is populated by about a hundred other species of creatures. You can choose to befriend them, or make them your enemy, or even your food. Along your adventure, you will come across new and more complex parts to add to your creature, which can be done by finding your mate using your mating call.

Now, you have made some friends, and enemies, evolved a creature that can sing and dance, bite and spit, and even grew a bigger brain. It's time to discover fire. You make the final adjustments to your creature, adding "graspers"(hand-types) is a good idea, because the next stage you will not be a lone creature anymore, you will be commanding a tribe of them.

Your tribe has one objective, absorb the other tribes, seven or so in all. You can attack their village using spears, stone hammers, and torches, or make them an ally by gifting them some food and play your didgeridoos. You will also have your first bit of shame, luckily there is some tribal clothing for you. Add it anyway you like.

So the tribes are all gone now except for yours, and your village is getting bigger. Time to make your first city and move on to the next stage: Civilization. Build a city hall out of the huge selection of parts to begin. Now, your citizens decide, based on your actions throughout the game until now, what type of city you will be. Were you aggressive and violent? Then, you will likely be a military city. Passive and constantly recruiting friendships? Then, you are a religious city. Or, perhaps you have always known when to attack and when to befriend, this make you and economic city. Whatever your people decide, the first thing to do is build a car for doing your business with. Later in the stage you will have the opportunity to build boats and planes as well, these are the units that you will be commanding around your planet. There is some new garb to choose from too, in case you want to look more sophisticated. When your city gets more money and power you will want to build yourself some houses to add to the population, some factories to add to productivity, and some places for entertainment to keep the people's minds off of work. Ah! Lots and lots of customization, I love it.

So the planet is yours, you have dominated the other cities in one way or another. What is left? SPACE OF COURSE! Build a spaceship. Leave your planet...Leave your solar system...Explore the galaxy! There is a seemingly endless amount of stars, planets, and other galactic phenomenon Meet other beings from other worlds, trade with them, do missions for them, perhaps go to war with them. You can colonize planets, and terraform them for safe living, mine the precious spices, and customize the surfaces with oceans, rivers, mountains, etc., and the colors too.

That's the game, in a huge nutshell. It is highly addictive. Your content is shared with others online so their planets have your creatures, buildings and vehicles on them, and vice versa.

The game is a bit too much for an older computer to handle, so check the specifications before you buy it. oh and BUY IT!

OK, here is some info, link and all that good stuff.

The Spore Creature Creator--- FREE TRIAL(limited parts, but still very fun)

My most recent creations: (This is not working at the moment but i copy/pasted the code exactly so the problem is on their end. I am going to leave it here in case it ever gets fixed. You can see my stuff here if you like.)

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