
Snacks: Pocky

Pocky is a Japanese treat from the company Glico.

There is not very much to Pocky. It's a thin cookie-like stick dipped in chocolate. But, Pocky is not limited to just chocolate. There is a huge variety, though not all found in the US, of flavors and combinations available. Examples: Plain Almond Crush Pocky, Green Tea Mousse Pocky, and Strawberry Pocky.

Whatever your flavor preference is, I'm sure there is a Pocky for you.

Packaged in a box with a foil package inside. I have never had a broken Pocky.
Convenient. A great snack for people on the go.

The only flaw that I have found with Pocky, is that if they are stored in a warm place, the chocolate will melt, fusing all of the sticks together when it re-hardens.

Get some Pocky. There is no one on earth that will not love it. In fact, if aliens landed here tomorrow, I would suggest giving them Pocky too. Pocky is THAT fantastic!


Monster Bash Blog said...

the name "pocky" makes me think of chicken pox..or craterface from Grease...which makes me a little wary about loving it so much...

I'll try that! said...

Straight from the wiki entry for Pocky:
"The name was changed to "Pocky", after the Japanese onomatopoetic word for the sound Pocky makes when bitten, pokkin (ポッキン)."

Monster Bash Blog said...

ahh!! that makes sense then!
yoshi means "beautiful" in japanese...random thought...that green dinosaur ain't beautiful though...no way...