
Snack: Dannon Light & Fit- White Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt

In my quest to eat more healthy foods, I have decided to make yogurt a new snack in my diet. The only problem is that I hate yogurt. So, I was pretty happy when I came across this yummy flavor of Dannon's Light & Fit.

The best way to describe the taste, is a favorable mix between white chocolate pudding and raspberry yogurt, only it still feels and smells like yogurt.

Anyway, it's delicious and good for you.

(This is the bottom right picture in "Guess What I Tried!"3)

Yogurt is good for you.
This flavor is a good "gateway" or "starter" yogurt.

It rarely ever quenches my hunger, so i end up eating something else right after.
It expires fairly fast, so you need to eat them pretty soon after purchasing.

Well, its yogurt. All I can say about it is that if you think you want to try eating yogurt, this is a good flavor to get you eating the stuff. Then, you can venture into uncharted flavors in the future.

(By the way, I am dropping the ads for grocery store type product reviews for two reasons. Reason 1- Most of the time it's hard to get them on Amazon in anything smaller than a case. Reason 2- No one buys yogurt or M&M's or deodorant on the Internet. So this means less ads for you to avoid, and less time wasted for me finding them for every single post I make. Booyah!)

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