
TV Show: Fringe

Fringe is one of the new shows on TV this season. I thought I would give a quick summary for people that might not have given it a chance.

First off, the series is a main storyline, but each episode has a self contained story as well. It's easily comparable with the X-files, as the subject matter is science fiction.

The title "Fringe" is actually the idea behind each story. Years ago, the government invested in research into "fringe sciences", meaning the abnormal and theoretically impossible, and that leads us to the present where the scientist is helping a special task force to solve unusual cases. It's very "Mad Science'y" but in a fun, "I wish this were possible" kind of way.

The cast is very good. Note: Joshua Jackson is in it, and does well. The rest of the cast is fine for there "token" parts in a series like this. The special effects are top notch, and believable, which really helps to emerge you into the story.

It hasn't won me over 100% yet. But, I have watched, and will continue watching just to see what "fringe" subject is tackled next. They are available to watch online from the link, so give it a try. Let me know what you think.

Sorry for the "quote heavy" post.... But hey look at me... posting... Neat!


Jim said...

Back in action!

I've never seen of or heard of this Fringe program.

But I have a question for the blogmaster that I hope will be answered back here in the comment section.

After doing all these reviews since the inception of I.T.T, readers want to know:

What sticks out in your mind as the most interesting or surprising thing you've reviewed so far?

I'll try that! said...

Interesting question Jim.

I have to say the most disappointing things were the Snack: Bissili(sic) and the DVD: In the Name of the King...

The most surprisingly good thing Candy: Duvalin.

Biggest success, internetly speaking, was the Candy: Herbert's Fully Loaded, and Giant Chewy Nerds... I am constanly getting hits from various search engines for those 2 things, with a runner up of Drink: Noni Berry Snapple.

What I most enjoy reviewing is DVD's, Movies, and TV. So you can expect more of that. If I get a chance to put some thoughts together, I would love to review HBO's True Blood, which I think is fantastic, as well as many other new shows that started this year.

Thanks for the question. I have been doing alot of Flash Programming lately so my mind is bogged down in code. Cheers!

Monster Bash Blog said...

Jim's lying. They had the coming attraction for fringe every time we saw the Dark Knight (the coming to tv attractions they play while you're eating your popcorn and waiting). I remember seeing Pacey from Dawson's Creek and I thought "why is he starring in a movie about a fabric store?" and I believe I even mistakingly called it "Frill" when mentioning it to Jim.

Hey I'll Try That! Can you review a spOoOoOoOoky Halloween movie in celebration of this awesome season? Maybe Friday the 13th part 3 or that horrible Nightmare on Elm Street 3d movie with Roseanne?

I'll try that! said...

Hey MonsterBash, I think that is doable, but I think I will do a newer movie. I'll have to check the OnDemand. Thanks for the suggestion.