
Candy: Duvalin

As a great follow-up to yesterday's post, I have another product from the Ricolino Company. I also found the official site, believe it or not, it was Ricolino.com, but I didn't try that until today.

Duvalin is a small, shallow cup of what I can only describe as a frosting of some kind. There was a choice of two flavor combinations, I chose hazelnut and vanilla. The other was strawberry and vanilla.

I will be the first to admit that this is the most confusing "candy" I have ever eaten. First off, I didn't even know for sure what the consistency was going to be, but like I said, it's like frosting.

So how do you eat this tiny tub of frosting in moderation? With the tiny, flat spoon provided to you of course!

I don't speak any Spanish, but by the end of my Duvalin, I was saying, "¡Muy bueno!"

Nice Flavor.
Perfect serving size for something so sweet.
A tiny souvenir spoon!

Borders on being too sweet.

- Simply because this product is basically a cup of frosting, if that sounds appetizing to you, you will probably love it. Kids, adults, seniors, you will all love it.


Monster Bash Blog said...

how do you find some of this stuff?!!? bubu lubu? robert duvall'in or whatever it's called? you really do your homework in researching!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Duvalin is so good! And, coming from a Mexican family living in a community made of of a majority of Latinos and Mexicanos, these candies are so not hard to miss. Heck, I can get them at the 99 cent store near my home.

somedud 55 said...

try to find a candy called pelon pelo rico its made by the mexican version of the company that makes the chocolates.

Anonymous said...

I would probably describe the Duvalin flavor as that of the Nutella spread.
Nice, nice.

Yes, it can easily be found at the Mexican/Latino markets, and sometimes, with luck, at the 99 cent stores.

Pelon Pelo Rico... that's great too!

Anonymous said...

I love Duvalin. But the one flavor you forgot to mention is Hazelnut and Strawberry. I found them at the International market.

Anonymous said...

Great on fresh strawberries or bananas, would also be good spread on shortbread or butter cookies!

Anonymous said...

Mine didn't come with a spoon :( And the oils had separated out, so it was not very emulsified at the bottom. But, yeah, it tastes almost exactly like frosting. It isn't really anything special, but it was fun to try something new.