
Soft Drink: Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper

If you've ever had a Dr. Pepper, then you know it has a unique taste. But, Did you know that Dr. Pepper has truly figured out how to make diet soda taste more like the non-diet counterpart? Well, they have!

Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper is the newest, and also limited edition, flavor added to the Dr.Pepper lineup. I enjoy Dr. Pepper every now and again, but it's hardly a soda pop you can chug with dinner. I have always thought of Dr. Pepper as a dessert drink. And this new flavor, "takes the cake!"

The first sips you take instantly foam in your mouth. The carbonation of this beverage is simply incredible. Then, you begin to taste the perfectly blended mixture of the original Dr. Pepper flavor infused with chocolate dipped cherries! What come to mind is a drink I enjoyed on special occasions as a child, Canfield's Diet Cherry Chocolate Fudge Soda.

I continued to savor the taste of the drink, as I sat down to make this very judgement.

It's diet and delicious, which can be hard to come by.
A perfect blend of flavors.

This is another limited edition product.
It won't quench your thirst.

-A soda fan may not get what they bargained for on the first sip, but should easily adjust to the uniqueness of the drink.
-A person on a diet will truly enjoy this as an occasional treat.


javi said...

Nice to see some diet products arround. I myself cant have sugar so diet stuff come really handy but... chocolate flavored soda? IMHO chocolate fits better for a non carbonated hot drink. Anyways, nice to know.

Thanks for your comments, I never gave alcohol a try (concerning to artistic stuff, of course!)

SamZzz said...

This was apparenly a very limited edition. It was around my area for about a month and now it's gone! :( I liked it too.