
"Guess What I Tried!" 1

I am pleased to announce the "I'll try that!" game called,

"Guess What I Tried!"

Take a look at these cleverly cropped images of some of the things I will be reviewing soon, and see if you can guess what they are! Try to be as specific as possible. I will note them in their review as being part of the game, so guess as many times as you like. And, keep an eye out at the store to see if you can spot them!

Remember, I'll try anything. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

the product on the bottom left is snapple noni berry metabolism juice drink.

Monster Bash Blog said...

the one on the top left is some kind of monopoly game

I'll try that! said...

Bluegirl, you are 100% correct.

Monster Bash, you are right on the monopoly, but wrong on the game part. ;)