
Candy: Wonka Giant Chewy Nerds

The wacky world of Wonka is responsible for so many innovative candy treats, one has to wonder where they come up with all of the ideas. Some of the my favorites: Bottle Caps, Laffy Taffy, and Pixy Stix.

Then a few years ago they decided to start making every "hard" candy they make, have a "chewy" counterpart. Bravo. Some examples: Chewy Runts, Chewy Gobstoppers, and Chewy SweeTARTS.

But by far, the most recognizable, never duplicated, candy to come from the famous factory is Nerds. They have come in many flavors over the years, even sour. Then, they managed to come on a rope. However, nothing will top the day I came across Giant Chewy Nerds!

The science behind them is a mystery, but to an ordinary man they can best be described as a jellybean enclosed in a nerd-like shell. The flavors are pretty basic with strawberry, lemon, grape, orange, and watermelon.

I can confidently say that this is the most unique candy I have had in a long while. The "crunchiness" and tartness of a handful of nerds with the chewy texture of a jellybean. A match made in heaven.

It's like a new invention, even thought its just a marriage of two others.
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy.

Could have used some more risky flavors.
Probably could have packed more in a bag.

Buy them. If you like Nerds and/or jellybeans (and not jellybelly gourmet jellybeans, I'm talking about real Easter basket beans), the Giant Chewy Nerds are what your life has been leading up to. I bought 2 bags to try, and I have already been back to the store for more. Wonka, you have done it again.

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